Three-point lighting

During the production of the Perfect 10 music  video, I was introduced to the three-point lighting technique. The technique uses three light sources to illuminate the subject. A key light provides the main illumination and is positioned about 45 degrees from directly opposite the subject. A fill light is positioned 45 degrees the other way and is less intense, as its purpose is to reduce the shadows from the unlit side of the subject’s face. A third light, called the back light, is positioned behind the subject and is used to create definition and separate the subject from the background.

Whilst making the video, Tom and  I tried to use the technique effectively but felt that we were often unable to adequately light the scene. Shadows behind the actors were a big problem and we were usually unable to put the back light in an ideal position. I’ll need to research lighting more thoroughly in time for my music video. Good lighting will be especially important in my video as I plan film some parts at night. The bigger problem with filming outside, however, will be lighting in itself; I will have to find some way to use lights without relying on mains power. I may have to use handheld, battery-powered lights if I cannot find a way around this.

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