Planning for next filming

After being unable to get any new footage at the weekend, I plan to have a day or two of filming sometime in the Christmas holiday. This means that I won’t be able to get the new footage onto the computer until after the holiday but I can’t do much about that because the filming has to be done in Lincoln  and I can only do it at the weekend. I am hopeful  that I can at least get the performance part of my video filmed during this week. It will be either on Wednesday or Thursday and will be done around 4.00-6.30 pm in Horncastle. Until I get this footage, I am limited as to what I can do to with the video I have so far because, firstly, there is nothing more to edit and, secondly, it is difficult to put footage into place with only a small amount because I don’t know how it will fit with the rest of the footage.

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Above is what I have filmed and put together so far. At the moment I  only have 40 seconds filled and much of this is black screen so it’s important that I get some more footage on the computer soon. I think that once I have much more footage filmed, I can replace some of the shots I am not completely happy with so all the  shots in the video look very nice. The Christmas holiday should give me plenty of opportunities for filming and when I come back, I should  have all the footage I need.

Editing so far

As of now, I’ve uploaded what footage I have onto the computer. I don’t have much footage at the moment and will need to film both the performance part sometime during the week and get more footage in Lincoln. However, I do feel that what I do have is of high quality and think that if the rest of my footage is of a similar standard, my video will be quite good. At the beginning of the music video project I was told that each shot should be able to stand on its own and look good. I think that I am quite skilled at doing this and I am pleased with the look of many of my shots.

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The above is my opening shot and I am very pleased with it; I think that it could easily stand on its own as an image. I am hoping that I am able  to make as much use of light in other shots in the video. I will be doing more filming in Lincoln ideally this  weekend so I will have another chance to get more shots like this.

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My second shot I think also makes good use of light. This was one of the shots that I took spontaneously. A lot of my footage was taken by walking around and looking for things that would look good in my video. I did this because it is difficult to know exactly what a shot will look like until I’m there to film it. I planned a number of  shots that do not look as good as I envisioned because I did not have a clear idea of what they would  look like. Improvising shots can also be rewarding because I discover things that I would not have found  if I was just moving between planned locations and filming.

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This shot of Aiden walking across this bridge was an improvised shot. I looked around to find some places that could be used for shots. I thought that it would make for good shot composition so I came back later when the light was ideal and shot it.

So far, I have picked up on two particular tendencies that I have when filming. The first is filming a person walking. I don’t think that a little of this is a bad thing but when done in abundance it would seem pointless and make my video look stupid and I have tried to keep such footage to a healthy quantity. When I am filming, I consciously try to think of how what I am filming at that particular moment will fit together with the rest of my footage. This also relates to my second habit which I am actually able to quite easily monitor: filming random things. Sometimes, when I am looking  for places to film, I may come across something that part of  me thinks would ‘look good’ in the video. Usually, these things are not very good material and I decide not to use them. This means that I sometimes pass up opportunities for footage but also ensures that my video consists solely of footage of substance and is not filled with meaningless shots.